Ha ha nice try

An analog clock reading 1:33 2013-08-07 / 2013-W32-3T13:33:15-05:00 / 0x520292eb

Categories: Internet culture

Phishing email

Important Notification

Patrick Nso [REDACTED]

Important Notification,

This is to inform you that we (International Financial Monitoring Agency) have been instructed to handle the completion of your transaction worth the sum of $950,000 (nine hundred and fifty thousand United States Dollars). We have also been instructed to make sure that we take care of the paper works needed from our end to transfer your fund while you take care of your end to receive your fund once it is transfered out to you.

Your response is highly anticipated if you are willing to finalise this, for us to proceed with the processing by letting you know the information needed from you.

Thank you.
Patrick Nso.
International Financial Monitoring Agency.